The Most Inspiring Mule Ever!

I have to share with you one of  the most amazing stories I have ever heard.  It is a story about a  mule named Caesar and his owner "Farmer Jacob"  Caesar the mule fell into an abandoned well 50 feet deep.  Farmer Jacob really loved this old mule but after surveying the circumstances, he realized there was no way to save the fallen Caesar.

The well was narrow and poor Caesar was quite crammed down at the bottom.  The mule had not made a sound.  Jacob figured that Caesar died after the fall.  As much as it grieved him to give up on the mule, he was a practical farmer.  He decided to leave Caesar at the bottom of the well and fill it up with dirt. 

Jacob called some of his friends to help him shovel dirt down the well.  The first shovel load of dirt woke up Caesar who had been knocked out.  When the mule felt the next load of dirt hit his back, he realized what was going on.  But instead of allowing himself to be buried, Caesar shook it off. 

Every time a load of dirt hit his back, that mule shook his body, tossing the dirt to his hooves.  Then he would step on it.

Caesar kept this up with each dump load of dirt heaped upon him.  Shaking it off and stepping up.  Shaking it off and stepping up.

After nearly an hour of shoveling dirt, Jacob the farmer and his helping friends were shocked to see Caesar's ears poking out at the top of the well.  They realized that the mule was not dead.  And so they kept shoveling until that instinctively persistent mule stepped out of the well and walked to freedom. 

You see, they had come to bury Caesar after giving up, but instead... they raised him! 

When you feel the dirt hit your back from those who have either given up on you or those trying to keep you down, don't let it bury you.  Shake it off and step up!


  1. Animals are often smarter than people and they don't give up - what a great story about Caesar! Thanks for including my mule with your post :-)



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